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Will a new constitution in Mali lead to civilian rule?

Mali’s military rulers are proposing changes to its constitution, which would strengthen the president’s powers.

This is a vote to approve or reject constitutional changes in Mali.

Supporters say the amendment will ease the transition from military rule to a civilian-led government.

The June 18 referendum is the first in a series of elections scheduled to pave the way for presidential elections in February 2024, which Mali’s military leaders have vowed to hold after pressure from regional powers.

But doubts are growing.

After years of coups, political instability and social unrest, mistrust of authority remains a fundamental problem.

So is the referendum about real change or just political theater?

And given the political and social tensions in the West African country, are democratic elections possible in the future?

Presenter: Mohammad Zamjum


Fatima Al Ansar – Peace and Security Adviser in Mali and the Sahel Region

Alex Vines – Director of Africa Programs for Chatham House

Marie-Roger Billoa – President of Africa International Media Group and political commentator on African affairs

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